A year or so ago I did a blog about the amazing 4am Project and this Saturday sees another night of photographic mayhem. If you don't know what the 4am Project is then read this and be enlightened:

"The aim of the 4amproject is to gather a collection of photos from around the world at the magical time of 4am. Everyone can take part and join in! All you need is a camera. We want to see what you see at that moment in time on that one day. What’s your view at 4am?"

started by photographer Karen Strunks and now going stronger than ever this weekend will be the perfect time dust of that DSLR, pin hole camera or even your phone and get out and see the world in a different light.

I missed the last event but I have dug out and re-edited some images I shot on the first event way back in 2009.

Hope you all have a great 4am where ever you are and hopefully I may see some of you:)